Friday, November 20, 2009

Great fun at Barnes and Noble

We were so nervous about going to Barnes and Noble but it was fun! Aaron from Kent Cummins Magic Camp taught everyone how to do balloon animals. Elizabeth got on stage and twisted two balloons too! We passed out balloons to everyone and helped them make their first twists. Some of the kids were really good!

Barnes and Noble ordered a gazillion books and we sold most of them! And $2 of every book went to the magic camp for scholarships so kids could go to camp next summer. Come to camp!! We'll be there too!!

If you came and got our bookmark and found our web site, THANK YOU!

And if you missed us, we have one more book signing and balloon twist on Dec. 6. See the side bar for that. Or buy our book on Amazon!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Great day at the Texas Book Festival

Okay, it was fun. But TIRING! We made lots of balloons and gave out lots of bookmarks and sold books too. For a long time it was nothing but grown ups, and they didn't want any balloons, but finally we found some kids!

We made brown bats and black cats and white ghosts. The white ghosts went as fast as we could make them, and they were cool!

Tomorrow we have a book signing and balloon twist workshop at Barnes and Noble at the Hill Country Galleria.
If you can come, well, come! Kent Cummins Magic Camp will be there, and everything in the store helps them let kids go to camp. And it's an awesome camp! We go! You should too!